
This section expands on what Orders are within the DFC Standard and how we represent them.

Orders are patterns for processing the transfer of goods between actors. They can be processed and transferred immediately (e.g. a sale at a market stall) or there can be a delay whilst goods are prepared, packed and/or dispatched (e.g. an online veg box order).

All Orders happen within a Sales Session (the Farmers Market, or an Order Cycle for an online platform). The Order requires a Customer (an Actor linked by the dfc-b:OrderedBy relationship)

The status of the Order is defined by 3 States - OrderState, PaymentState & FulfillmentState. These are further enumerated & explained in the relevant section.

Example Order JSON-LD

"@context": https://www.datafoodconsortium.org
"@id": http://test.host/api/dfc/Enterprises/10000/Orders/10001
"@type": dfc-b:Order
dfc-b:belongsTo: http://test.host/api/dfc/Enterprises/10000/SaleSessions/10002
dfc-b:orderNumber: "MYORDERNUM:12345"
dfc-b:hasOrderStatus: dfc-v:Draft
dfc-b:hasFulfilmentStatus: dfc-v:Held
dfc-b:hasPaymentState: dfc-v:Unpaid
  "@type": dfc-b:PaymentMethod
  dfc-b:paymentMethodType: Example Card PaymentMethod
  dfc-b:paymentMethodProvider: Stripe
    "@type": dfc-b:QuantitativeValue
    dfc-b:hasUnit: GBP
    dfc-b:value: £0.27
    dfc-b:VATrate: 0.00
dfc-b:discount: 1.55    # any overall discount applied to the Order (individual Product discounts can be applied to Offers)
dfc-b:OrderedBy: http://test.host/api/dfc/Persons/10000
  "@type": dfc-b:ShippingOption
  dfc-b:optionOf: http://test.host/api/dfc/Enterprises/10000/SaleSessions/10002
  dfc-b:fee: 1.50
  "@type": dfc-b:PickupOption
  dfc-b:pickedUpAt: Our Fantastic Farm Gate
dfc-b:soldBy: http://test.host/api/dfc/Enterprises/10000
- "@id": http://test.host/api/dfc/Enterprises/10000/Orders/10001/orderlines/10001-01
  "@type": dfc-b:OrderLine
  dfc-b:concerns: http://test.host/api/dfc/Enterprises/10000/SuppliedProducts/10001
    "@type": dfc-b:QuantitativeValue
    dfc-b:hasUnit: Packet
    dfc-b:hasValue: 5.0
  dfc-b:Price:              # the total price for the Order Line
    "@type": dfc-b:QuantitativeValue
    dfc-b:hasUnit: GBP
    dfc-b:value: 19.95
    dfc-b:VATrate: 0.0
  dfc-b:discount: []

Last updated

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